New Corral Panels For Apple Valley High Scool's Future Farmers of America
SoCal Fence&Barn .com
When Apple Valley High School reached out to us because they needed more corrals for the steers they were receiving, we got straight to work!
What is Future Farmers of America?
Future Famers or America is now known as the National FFA Organization. They changed their name to this to accommodate the business, science and technology aspects of agriculture as well as farming.
Apple Valley High School has this program available to the students to take as an elective class. They raise livestock, learn important life skills, and learn the ins and outs of agriculture and farming. AVHS even has a big Tri Tip sale each year!
Watch our video here:
Apple Valley School District Chooses SoCal Fence and Barn
We were thrilled after we were chosen over all of our competitors. The teacher, Jennifer, mentioned that we were the clear choice after the Apple Valley School District saw the quality of our panels and our low prices.
Since we do our powder coating in house, we offered to powder coat their panels to match their school colors and branding at no additional cost to them. Although orange panels would've looked cool, they opted to go with our standard dapple grey color so they wouldn't stand out as much.
Preserving The Work Ethic and Integrity of Today's Youth
When we arrived at Apple Valley High School to deliver their new corral panels, we first checked in at the visitor's desk. They greeted us and told us what gate to pull our trailer into.
We pulled into the back of the school and we were instructed on where to put the new corral panels by Jennifer.
The students came outside of the classroom/barn area and began helping us unload their order. We thought this was really cool of them!
Big shout out to the FFA students at Apple Valley High School for taking the initiative to help us unload the panels! Good job guys!!
A Tour Of Apple Valley High School's FFA
After we got their panels and gates unloaded and stacked up neatly, the students gave us a quick tour and showed us their animals.
It was so cool to see everything they have there. It was also very cool to see how passionate and excited the students are about their FFA program. Aaron from SoCal Fence and Barn mentioned that he was jealous because his High School did not offer this when he was in school!
Apple Valley High School Tri Tip Sale
Every year, Apple Valley High School even has a Tri Tip sale. The kids get to learn how to process and even cook the meat they raise. Aaron and David love to BBQ and they love their Tri Tips, so it was very cool to see the smokers they have!
To learn more about their Tri Tip sale, you can contact AVHS or look on their website for news regarding the sale: Apple Valley High School Website <--- click there
Apple Valley High School, You Guys Rock!
Thanks again to the Apple Valley School District for choosing SoCal Fence and Barn. We truly appreciate your business and we appreciate you guys for offering the FFA program to the students.
Thanks again to the awesome students for stepping up and helping Aaron and David get those panels and gates unloaded! We hope to visit Apple Valley High School again!!